Jiayi Huang

PhD Student


Building 2, Level 4, 4254-WS23 Tel:8082249


Jiayi graduated from the University of Edinburgh with an MSc degree in Bioinformatics in 2021. His master's research focused on developing a new workflow for comprehensive structural variation investigation by long and short sequencing data and performing the downstream analysis for functional prediction. Before this, he completed his undergraduate study at the University of Liverpool and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with the major in Genetics and Bioinformatics. He has developed a strong interest in evolution and computational genomics after studying biology for years. His PhD project focuses on understanding how pathogenic strains spread across within clinical and environmental settings. He will apply the machine learning approach to modelling the epidemic transmission between humans and other species. With the help of high-throughput sequencing, he will try to identify the informative biomarkers in the pathogen genome which caused the variants.

Research Interests

Computational genomics, Pathogen genomics, Evolution, Machine Learning


MSc in Bioinformatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh 2021

BSc in Genetics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool 2020

BSc in Bioinformatics, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou 2018

KAUST Affiliations

Bioscience Program

Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division