Within-host evolution of Enterococcus faecium during longitudinal carriage and transition to bloodstream infection in immunocompromised patients
byDanesh Moradigaravand, Theodore Gouliouris, Beth Blane, Plamena
Naydenova, Catherine Ludden, Charles Crawley, Nicholas M Brown, M Estée
Török, Julian Parkhill, Sharon J Peacock
Research ArticleYear:2017
Extra Information
Genome medicine, 9(1) 1-11
Enterococcus faecium is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infection,
particularly in the immunocompromised. Here, we use whole genome
sequencing of E. faecium to study within-host evolution and the
transition from gut carriage to invasive disease. We isolated and
sequenced 180 E. faecium from four immunocompromised patients who
developed bloodstream infection during longitudinal surveillance of E.
faecium in stool and their immediate environment. A phylogenetic tree
based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the core genome of
the 180 isolates demonstrated several distinct clones. This was highly
concordant with the population structure inferred by Bayesian methods,
which contained four main BAPS (Bayesian Analysis of Population
Structure) groups. The majority of isolates from each patient resided in
a single group, but all four patients also carried minority populations
in stool from multiple phylogenetic groups. Bloodstream isolates from
each case belonged to a single BAPS group, which differed in all four
patients. Analysis of 87 isolates (56 from blood) belonging to a single
BAPS group that were cultured from the same patient over 54 days
identified 30 SNPs in the core genome (nine intergenic, 13
non-synonymous, eight synonymous), and 250 accessory genes that were
variably present. Comparison of these genetic variants in blood isolates
versus those from stool or environment did not identify any variants
associated with bloodstream infection. The substitution rate for these
isolates was estimated to be 128 (95% confidence interval 79.82 181.77)
mutations per genome per year, more than ten times higher …